Wheat: Friend or Foe?


Some books suggest that by  totally eliminating wheat it will promote weight loss, remove that muffin top and reduce a whole host of health problems.  

But is wheat really the culprit causing weight gain and all of our health problems?  Not so fast.

For centuries, man has been relying on grains for the majority of calories but according to the author there have been modifications of the wheat crop from centuries ago to modern day.  His theory is that the modifications and hybridization of our current wheat is at the root of causing all the problems.

Weight Loss:

Of course you will lose weight and reduce belly fat if you totally eliminate wheat from your diet.  Whenever you cut food out of your diet, especially whole food groups or calorie laden foods, you will consume fewer calories which will lead to weight loss.

In my opinion:

There is nothing inherently bad or unhealthy about today’s wheat.  In fact, whole wheat is a nutrient-rich healthy grain providing fiber, a nutrient of concern because we don’t eat enough of it.  The 2010 Dietary Guidelines recommends half your grains be whole because of the wealth of health benefits associated with whole grains.

Instead of totally eliminating wheat from your diet, make your grains whole grains and keep them simple.  Grains can be calorie bombs that sabotage your diet when they are fried or smothered in cream, butter, sauces, bacon or cheese.  

My suggestion is to cut out those extra foods in your diet such as sweets, treats and high calorie beverages which are ‘extras’ and don’t usually contain much nutritional goodness.  Replace them with good-for-you foods such as fruits, veggies, whole grains, low fat dairy, nuts, beans and lean meats.

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